Authentic Ving Tsun: Defined
Our school continues to use the traditional and authentic Cantonese language Ving Tsun terms as they have been passed down to us. Using these terms has more benefits than just cultural. For those who don't understand the Cantonese language, it allows one to free their mind about what a technique must be and allows them the opportunity for self-discovery, a much more powerful and deeper method of learning and understanding.
Family terms
Like a typical family tree, a traditional Ving Tsun family consists of immediate and extended family. This list contains some of the most commonly used family terms.
- Sifu - Teacher
- Simo - Sifu's wife
- Daisihing - Eldest Kung fu brother or sister
- Sihing - Senior Kung Fu brother or sister
- Sidai - Junior Kung Fu brother or sister
- Sigung - Grand teacher
- Sitaigung - Great grand teacher
- Sijo - Founder
- Sibak - Senior uncle
- Sisuk - Junior uncle
- Toudai - Disciple
Empty Hand Forms
There are 3 empty hand forms in the Ving Tsun system.
- Siu Nim Tau - Little beginning idea
- Chum Kiu - Seeking the bridge
- Biu Jee - Darting fingers
Weapons & Wooden Dummy Forms
After the empty hand forms, students learn the wooden dummy form followed by the 2 weapons of Ving Tsun.
- Muk Yan Jong - Wooden dummy
- Luk Dim Boon Kwan - Six and a half point pole
- Baat Jam Doa - Eight chopping knives
Stances & Footwork
A solid structure requires a solid foundation.
- Biu Ma - Darting horse
- Hau Ma - Back horse stance
- Huen Ma - Circling horse
- Jin Ma - Square stance
- Jong Ma - Dummy horse
- Jor Ma - Left horse stance
- Kwan Jong - Pole stance
- Yau Ma - Right horse stance
- Yi Chi Kim Yeung Ma - Character two goat clamping stance (horse stance)
There are many techniques in Ving Tsun, each one with a clear purpose.
- Biu Kwan - Darting pole
- Biu Sau - Darting hand
- Bong Sau - Wing arm
- Dai Bong Sau - Low wing arm
- Goh Bong Sau - High wing arm
- Dim Gerk - Front kick
- Dim Jerm - Palm strike
- Fan Sau - Follow-up strikes
- Fuk Sau - Following hand
- Gan Sau - Splitting hand
- Gam Sau - Pressing hand
- Huen Sau - Circling hand
- Jip Sau - Catching hand
- Jong Sau - Ready position
- Jow Sau - Running hand
- Jut Sau - Choking hand
- Kwai Jian - Elbow strike
- Lan Sau - Horizontal arm technique
- Man Sau - Asking hand
- Po Pai - Double palm strike
- Tan Sau - Receiving hand
- Wang Gerk - Side kick
- Wang Jerm - Side palm strike
- Wu Sau - Protecting hand
- Yat Jee Chung Choi - Sun punch (vertical fist punch)
There are several individual and two-man exercises in Ving Tsun.
- Chi Gerk - Sticking leg
- Chi Kwan - Sticking pole
- Chi Sau - Sticking hands
- Dan Chi Sau - Single sticking hand
- Doi Ying - Distance and timing exercise
- Jin Choi - Battle punches
- Jip Sau Jow Sau - Catching and running hands
- Kwai Saat - Side leg exercise
- Lap Sau - Pulling hand
- Lei Tai Chi Sau - Elevated Chi Sau
- Luk Gerk - Rolling leg
- Luk Sau - Rolling hands
- Pak Dar - Slap hit
- Pak Sau - Slapping hand
- Tsui Ma - Push horse
Training Equipment
Ving Tsun training is as efficient as the techniques - not much space nor equipment is required.
- Gerk Jong - Leg dummy
- Moy Fah Jong - Plum flower dummy
- Muk Yan Jong - Wooden dummy
- Sau Bau - Sand bag (wall bag)
“There is no difference in who started to study first; the one who achieves accomplishment is first.”